About us

Welcome to www.totalpharmaceuticaltopics.com, this website / blog is created with the objective to provide a source of collective knowledge and information about the pharmaceutical topics. This pharmaceutical informative platform provides you a source of knowledge on pharmaceutical industry related topics for educational and information purpose like Pharmaceutical Quality Management systems, Validation etc. We're dedicated to share and update the basics of pharmaceutical topic with the upgrade as per current scenario.

This platform is Created in [2020] by Kushal Joshi, Kushal joshi is a pharmaceutical blogger with the rich experience of Pharmaceutical Quality Management System, having Masters in Applied chemistry, a research scholar as well, had publications in the Pharmaceuticals journals (AJBPR etc.). Writing on pharmaceutical topics is his passion and it helps to expand his community.

We Team TPT shares, updates and brings the basics and important information on various pharmaceutical topics at single place, to get easy understanding and update with respect to the current scenario of pharmaceutical industries.

We hope you enjoy our blog as much as we enjoy offering them to you. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us.